A Day at Westside

What does a day at Westside look like?

Scroll through our example schedule of a typical day below to get a taste of our community in action! 

9am-9:15am - Welcome Party 

Say Hello, chat, and play a little to get comfortable in the space.

9:15am-10:00am - Group Activity Time

During group time, students participate together in exploratory activities prepared by the teachers.  This could be a team-building activity, an academic class-type lesson, or even a social-emotional activity to help students build more self-awareness around feelings and emotions. These activities can serve as a ‘springboard’ for students' further study, either at home or throughout the day at Westside.

During group time, we value our ability to discuss and experience learning together. 

At the same time, being in a group can be challenging at times, so students always have the agency to opt out of this time and choose an independent and quiet alternative activity.

10:00am-2:00pm - Self-directed play time, Lunch & General Activity 

Play time begins after group time has ended and continues until around 1:45. Teachers will also offer a general activity that students will be able to opt into. General activities might be organizing a sports game, leading a craft activity, playing music together!  We also know how to get out of the way of PLAY! Lunch will happen as well during this time, depending on when the students get hungry (they will often choose to eat together). We will straighten the school building as a group just before pickup at 2pm.